Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Have you checked this new search engine for resume !!!!

I just heard about a new search engine, Its really very good and doing magics.

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Try this and see magic:::

Click here :-)

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Abul Khair: Online Recruitment !!!!!

Abul Khair: Online Recruitment !!!!!: "Are you tempted to recruit talent online? If you haven't started recruiting on the web already, you're behind the curve. You've heard that w..."

Online Recruitment !!!!!

Are you tempted to recruit talent online? If you haven't started recruiting on the web already, you're behind the curve. You've heard that web recruiting will yield hundreds of untargeted resumes from around the world? Most job sites allow you to reject resumes with unwanted keywords and locations. Do you think executive recruiting is best done in the off-line world? Think again. Executive recruiting is happening online. Here are tips to help you maximize the potential of the Internet for recruiting. Use the power of the web to recruit online.
Use Your Website for Recruiting
Most organization websites do little to help recruit candidates online. If the website lists openings at all, they are buried several clicks deep and merely describe the position. Does your website help you recruit? Does your "Join Our Team" section of your company website tell and even, "sell," potential employees about the vision, mission, values and culture of your company? Do you present a message about how people are valued? Do you express your commitment to quality and to your customers?
If your website fails to bring candidates to your door, you are missing out on one of the most important recruiting tools you have to appeal to prospective high-potential employees. Instead of the typical, dryly-written job listings about available positions, your website needs to include this vision, this information that sets your company apart from others in your industry. Your job listings must sparkle with personality so a potential candidate thinks, "This organization is for me!"
Once you have your candidate’s attention, you also need to provide a way for candidates to easily submit resumes for consideration for future positions. One client website has a "Talk to the President" link and, believe me, people do. We receive a constant stream of resumes and contacts through this invitation and even hired a Director of Production who made his first contact here. Another website posts generic position descriptions for positions that frequently need applicants. People respond. Website recruiting works

Additional ways to use the web for recruiting include these.

Use Professional Association Websites for Recruiting

Post your open positions on professional association websites. This includes posting on local chapter websites or professional associations related to the job. (This is an excellent method for finding local talent.) Your online recruiting definitely targets the “right” applicant at professional website.

Many professional sites also send out emails to their members and/or post open positions in their journal, newsletters or magazine. For a small fee, if you have the time, you will reach a targeted, potential audience through professional association mailings to members.

Use College and University Alumni and Career Services Websites for Recruiting

You can usually post your positions at no cost on college and university job boards. They are a service for students and alumni and the educational institutions strive to create more postings. Additionally, for specialized positions, often departments have their own job boards. They may also provide employers email access to alumni mailing lists. While seeking an Environmental Compliance Specialist, I found several candidates through the University of Michigan’s Department of Natural Resources.

Post Positions on Local and National Low-cost and No-cost Private and Public Sector Websites

Post open positions on websites that private vendors or your state and/or local government provide. By recruiting online at these sites, you target local candidates for your available positions. Even posting at national low and no-cost sites, you can target local jobseekers. In Michigan, positions can be posted, at no cost or low cost, on various websites including:

JobOpenings.net – Michigan (you can search for your own state),

MLive.com - Everything Michigan and Michigan workforce development, this site provides local candidates I’m sure your state or country has an equivalent site.

Post your available positions at America's Job Bank,

Click on the map to select a state or choose from the list for the Department of Labor/Employment Security Commission/Job Service Office in your state at About's Job Searching site. Your state Workforce Development organization, through your state department of labor, appreciates employer job listings. In Michigan, employers can post positions with the Michigan Talent Bank through the Michigan Works. You'll find multiple options for both posting positions and searching for jobs.

Pay to Post Recruiting Ads on Commercial Websites

Websites such as Monster.com and Yahoo Hot Jobs attract large national and international audiences. In a recent search for a Chief Financial Officer (CFO), posted at Monster.com, we received over 150 applications. In fact, one of our finalists for the position would never have found us except for our online job posting.

The key to working well with the commercial websites is to:

expect pricing deals for frequent use or multiple online job listings,

re-use your posting locations for different positions when you have the applicants you need for a specific opening,

use keyword and location filters supplied by the sites, and

recognize that many commercial sites that specialize in particular fields or positions are now available. A quick search by the position desired and the words, “job search site,” will provide many options.

The Most Important Use of the Web for Recruiting

You are aware of the power of networking in accomplishing business, job searching and other professional goals. Networking remains the most important tool for recruiting in the online world, too. In the CFO search, mentioned earlier, three of my finalists for the position were recruited through old-fashioned networking. We just used a web recruiting twist.

We gathered the email addresses of 100+ business associates and wrote a job description that defined the candidate we sought. We then sent emails to all of the associates asking them to refer candidates to us for the open position. Their referrals were among our best recruits. Most were currently-working CFOs with all the required credentials.

You can use online networking to help recruit candidates in one additional way. Post the open positions in Forums, such as the one connected with this site, or networking sites such as LinkedIn.com or Ryze.com: Business Networking. More of these social and professional networking sites appear every year. Even Facebook.com, a site that started out for college students, has a place in your professional networking playbook as more professionals fill in their profiles.

Recruiting online is a viable alternative in today’s competitive job market. Why not use such an excellent resource to help you develop the best candidate pool for your job openings? People you find via web recruiting are technically savvy, up-to-date and willing to try new options. They’re numerous, they’re local and they’re skilled – just waiting for you to find them online.

Recruiting to Ensure Successful Candidate Selection

The Essential HR Handbook: A Quick and Handy Resource for Any Manager or HR Professional

Do you select new employees based largely on an attractive resume and the candidate’s performance at the resultant interview? If so, you are missing the opportunity to use additional recruiting and screening methods that will ensure a superior hire.

A good looking resume is often professionally prepared, or, at least professionally reviewed. A positive interview leaves all participants excited about the potential new employee. But, do these steps ensure a successful hire? An employee whose performance will exceed your expectations? Not likely.

A Chally.com article: The Most Common Hiring Mistakes - and How to Prevent Them states, ”In a massive study conducted by John and Rhonda Hunter at The University of Michigan on the ‘Validity and Utility of Alternative Predictors of Job Performance', the usefulness of the interview in accurately predicting later success on the job was analyzed.

”The surprising finding: The typical interview increases the likelihood of choosing the best candidate by less than 2%. In other words, if you just "flipped" a coin you would be correct 50% of the time. If you added an interview you would only be right 52% of the time.” This number is not encouraging when you are attempting to recruit and hire a superior work force.

So, what will bring you superior hires? You need to start your recruiting process with a planning meeting. At this recruiting planning meeting, you need to follow a specific agenda and make a plan to recruit your new employee of choice. The steps agreed upon in this meeting will ensure that more than a resume and an interview are considered when you evaluate the likelihood of each candidate's success in your open job.

The Manager's Guide to HR: Hiring, Firing, Performance Evaluations, Documentation, Benefits, and Everything Else You Need to Know

Recruiting Planning Meeting Checklist

Determine the need for a new hire, develop a job specification from a job analysis and a job description. Schedule the recruiting planning meeting with the appropriate attendees, minimally, the Human Resources recruiter and the hiring manager. Other attendees can include successful coworkers; an indirect, but interested, manager; and internal customers of the position.

Using the job specification, which may also be revised during this meeting, and your experience of other employees who have worked successfully in a similar position, rank the most important qualities, experiences, education, and characteristics that your successful candidate will possess. This ranking allows your HR recruiter to use these characteristics to write the classified ad, post the job online, and screen the arriving resumes. (The HR recruiter will use the complete job specification, but the prioritization is helpful.)

Now that you have the important requirements prioritized, determine where to advertise the position to develop the most exhaustive candidate pool, including asking for internal referrals.

Determine who will interview the potential employees. Plan the interview and follow-up process.

Decide upon the candidate screening questions for the HR recruiter and/or the hiring manager whomever will perform the telephone screens.

Assign interview topics and questions to the employees who will conduct the interviews. These questions should be behaviorally-based. You can also write scenarios, or brief role plays, and ask the candidates to tell you how they would solve a particular problem, resolve a common work situation, or improve a work process. Ideally, each interviewer will assess a different area of the potential employee’s qualifications: cultural fit, technical capabilities, experience, ability to communicate, interpersonal effectiveness, and so forth.

Decide if testing will assist you to select the best candidate for the job. As an example, you may want to give a writing test to a customer service candidate who will communicate with customers chiefly through email. (You need to make sure that every candidate for the position receives the same test at the same point in the selection process; generally test only your finalists.)

Identify the appropriate questions for the candidate post-interview assessment by each interviewer. In addition to several generic questions, these should comprise a checklist that closely mirrors the characteristics you have determined are most important in the person you hire.

This planning meeting and the recruiting activities that result from it will improve your employee selection process. An improved recruiting and selection process ensures that your organization is selecting candidates who will succeed and star as members of your superior work force

Success in Hiring Employees !!!!

Want to recruit and hire a superior workforce? This checklist for hiring employees will help you systematize your process for hiring employees, whether it's your first employee or one of many employees you are hiring. This hiring employees checklist helps you keep track of your recruiting efforts. This hiring employees checklist communicates both the recruiting and the hiring process and progress in recruiting to the hiring manager. Your feedback and comments are welcome to improve this checklist for hiring employees.

Determine the need for a new or replacement position.

Think creatively about how to accomplish the work without adding staff (improve processes, eliminate work you don’t need to do, divide work differently, etc.).

Hold a recruiting planning meeting with the recruiter, the HR leader, the hiring manager, and, potentially, a coworker or internal customer.

Develop and prioritize the key requirements needed from the position and the special qualifications, traits, characteristics, and experience you seek in a candidate. (These will assist your Human Resources department to write the classified ad; post the job online and on your Web site; and screen resultant resumes for potential candidate interviews.)

With HR department assistance, develop the job description for the position.

Determine the salary range for the position.

Decide whether the department can afford hiring employees to fill the position.

Post the position internally on the "Job Opportunities” bulletin board for one week. If you anticipate difficulty finding a qualified internal candidate for the position, state in the posting that you are advertising the position externally at the same time.

Send an all-company email to notify staff that a position has been posted and that you are hiring employees.

All staff members encourage talented, qualified, diverse internal candidates to apply for the position. (If you are the hiring supervisor, as a courtesy, let the current supervisor know if you are talking to his or her reporting staff member.)

Interested internal candidates fill out the Internal Position Application.

Schedule an interview, for internal candidates, with the hiring supervisor, the manager of the hiring supervisor or a customer of the position and HR. (In all cases, tell the candidates the timelines you anticipate the interview process will take.)

Hold the interviews with each interviewer clear about their role in the interview process. (Culture fit, technical qualifications, customer responsiveness and knowledge are several of the screening responsibilities you may want your interviewers to assume.)

Interviewers fill out the Job Candidate Evaluation Form.

If no internal candidates are selected for the position, make certain you clearly communicate with the applicants that they were not selected. Whenever possible, provide feedback that will help the employee continue to develop their skill and qualifications. Use this feedback as an opportunity to help the employee continue to grow their career.

If an internal candidate is selected for the position, make a written job offer that includes the new job description and salary.

Agree on a transition timeline with the internal candidate’s current supervisor.

If you've created another internal opening, begin again.

End the search.

If no qualified internal candidates apply, extend the search to external candidates, if you didn't advertise the position simultaneously. Develop your candidate pool of diverse applicants.

Spread word-of-mouth information about the position availability in your industry and to each employee’s network of friends and associates.

Network and post jobs on online social media sites such as Twitter and LinkedIn. Ask your employees to publicize the position through their online social media networks.

Place a classified ad in newspapers with a delivery reach that will create a diverse candidate pool.

Recruit online. Post the classified ad on jobs and newspaper-related websites including the company website.

Post the position on professional association websites.

Talk to university career centers.

Contact temporary help agencies.

Brainstorm other potential ways to locate a well-qualified pool of candidates for each position.

Through your recruiting efforts, you've developed a pool of candidates. People are applying for your open job. Whether you have developed a candidate pool in advance of the job opening or you are searching from scratch, the development of a qualified pool of candidates is crucial.

Send postcards or emails to each applicant to acknowledge receipt of the resume. (State that if the candidate appears to be a good match for the position, relative to your other applicants, you will contact them to schedule an interview. If not, you will keep their application/resume on file for a year in case other opportunities arise
Once you have developed a number of applicants for the position, screen resumes and/or applications against the prioritized qualifications and criteria established. Note that resume cover letters matter as you screen.

Phone screen the candidates whose credentials look like a good fit with the position. Determine candidate salary requirements, if not stated with the application, as requested.

Schedule qualified candidates, whose salary needs you can afford, for a first interview with the hiring supervisor and an HR representative, either in-person or on the phone. In all cases, tell the candidates the timeline you anticipate the interview process will take.

Ask the candidate to fill out your official job application, upon their arrival for the interview.

Competency-Based Recruitment and Selection
Give the candidate a copy of the job description to review.

Hold screening interviews during which the candidate is assessed and and has the opportunity to learn about your organization and your needs.

Fill out the Job Candidate Evaluation Form for each candidate interviewed.

Meet to determine which (if any) candidates to invite back for a second interview.

Determine the appropriate people to participate in the second round of interviews. This may include potential coworkers, customers, the hiring supervisor, the hiring supervisor’s manager and HR. Only include people who will impact the hiring decision.

Schedule the additional interviews.

Hold the second round of interviews with each interviewer clear about their role in the interview process. (Culture fit, technical qualifications, customer responsiveness and knowledge are several of the screening responsibilities you may want your interviewers to assume.)

Candidates participate in any testing you may require for the position.

Interviewers fill out the candidate rating form.

Human Resources checks the finalists’ (people to whom you are considering offering the position) credentials, references and other qualifying documents and statements.

Anyone who has stated qualifications dishonestly or who fails to pass the checks is eliminated as a candidate.

Through the entire interviewing process, HR, and managers, where desired, stay in touch with the most qualified candidates via phone and email.

Reach consensus on whether the organization wants to select any candidate (via informal discussion, a formal discussion meeting, HR staff touching base with interviewers, candidate rating forms, and so on). If dissension exists, the supervising manager should make the final decision.

If no candidate is superior, start again to review your candidate pool and redevelop a pool if necessary.

HR and the hiring supervisor agree on the offer to make to the candidate, with the concurrence of the supervisor’s manager and the departmental budget.

Competency-Based Recruitment and Selection

Talk informally with the candidate about whether he or she is interested in the job at the offered salary and stated conditions. Make certain the candidate agrees that they will participate in a background check, a drug screen and sign a Non-compete Agreement or a Confidentiality Agreement, depending on the position. (This should have been signed off on the application.) If so, proceed with an offer letter. You can also make the job offer contingent on certain checks.

If not, determine if negotiable factors exist that will bring the organization and the candidate into agreement. A reasonable negotiation is expected; a candidate that returns repeatedly to the company requesting more each time is not a candidate the company wants to hire.

If the informal negotiation leads the organization to believe the candidate is viable, HR will prepare a written position offer letter from the supervisor that offers the position, states and formalizes the salary, reporting relationship, supervising relationships, and any other benefits or commitments the candidate has negotiated or the company has promised.

The offer letter, the job description and the Company Non-Compete or Confidentiality Agreement are provided to the candidate.

The candidate signs the offer documentation to accept the job or refuses the position.

If yes, schedule the new employee's start date.

If no, start again to review your candidate pool and redevelop a pool if neces
Recruitment and Selection : Management Extra (Management Extra)

Tips for Hiring the Right Employee !!!!

Hiring the right employee is a challenging process. Hiring the wrong employee is expensive, costly to your work environment, and time consuming. Hiring the right employee, on the other hand, pays you back in employee productivity, a successful employment relationship, and a positive impact on your total work environment.

Hiring the right employee enhances your work culture and pays you back a thousand times over in high employee morale, positive forward thinking planning, and accomplishing challenging goals. This is not a comprehensive guide to hiring an employee. But, these are key steps to hiring the right employee

1 -  With the job description in hand, set up a recruiting planning meeting that involves the key employees who are hiring the new employee. The hiring manager is crucial to the planning. At this meeting, your recruiting strategy is planned and the execution begins. Teams that have worked together frequently in hiring an employee can often complete this step via email
2 - This checklist for hiring an employee will help you systematize your process for hiring an employee. Whether it's your first employee or one of many employees you are hiring, this checklist for hiring an employee helps you keep track of your recruiting efforts. The checklist for hiring an employee keeps your recruiting efforts on track and communicates progress to interested employees and the hiring manager.
3 - You can develop relationships with potential candidates long before you need them when hiring an employee. These ideas will also help you in recruiting a large pool of candidates when you have a current position available. The more qualified candidates you can develop when hiring an employee, the more likely you are to locate a qualified potential employee. Read on to discover the best ways to develop your talent pool when hiring an employee.
4- The work of reviewing resumes, cover letters, job applications, and job application letters starts with a well-written job description. Your bulletted list of the most desired characteristics of the most qualified candidate was developed as part of the recruiting planning process. Screen all applicants against this list of qualifications, skills, experience, and characteristics. You'll be spending your time with your most qualified candidates when hiring an employee. And, that is a good use of your time.
5 -The most important reason to prescreen candidates when hiring an employee is to save the interviewing and selection committee time. While a candidate may look good on paper, a prescreening interview will tell you if their qualifications are truly a fit with your job. Additionally, in a prescreening interview, you can determine whether their salary expectations are congruent with your job. A skilled telephone interviewer will also obtain evidence about whether the candidate may fit within your culture - or not
6 - The job interview is a powerful factor in hiring an employee. The job interview is a key tool employers utilize in hiring. The job interview questions asked are critical in magnifying the power of the job interview to help you in hiring the right employee. Interview questions that help you separate desirable candidates from average candidates are fundamental when hiring an employee. Job interview questions matter to employers. Here are sample job interview questions.
7 - Effective background checks are one of the most important steps when hiring an employee. You need to verify that all the presented, sterling credentials, skills, and experience are actually possessed by your candidate. The background checks must include work references, especially former supervisors, educational credentials, employment references and actual jobs held, and criminal history. Other background checks when hiring an employee, such as credit history, must be specifically related to the job for which you are hiring an employee.
8 - The job offer letter is provided to the candidate you have selected for the position. Most frequently, the candidate and the organization have verbally negotiated the conditions of hire and the job offer letter confirms the verbal agreements about salary and benefits. The more senior the position, however, the more likely the job offer will turn into a protracted negotiation about salary, benefits, employment termination, bonus potential, severance pay, stock options, and more.

RPO ?????

A subset of Human Resources Outsourcing (HRO), Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) is the contracting out of the recruiting function within the HR department. Simply put, RPO transforms all the functions of an in-house HR department into a solid, productive external recruiting function. By providing the tools, resources, and technology to serve as a client’s virtual recruiting function, RPO services allow companies to grow and focus on their core competencies.

Utilized by companies in all fields and of all sizes, RPO has benefited companies for a number of years. Although they may not know it, any company that uses staffing agencies or 3rd party vendors is outsourcing their recruiting efforts. In fact, according to studies, more than 90% of HR managers at mid-sized to large companies turn to staffing agencies or outside vendors to help with their recruiting efforts – enabling them to focus their resources on higher value activities. The concept isn’t new – it just hasn’t been labeled RPO until fairly recently.

What is H1b ????

H1B: It is employment based, non immigrant visa category for temporary workers.H1b is a employer sponsored visa category i.e. an employer must offer a job and apply for your H1 visa petition with US immigration dept. This approved petition is a work permit allows you to get visa stamp and work in USA for that employer.

US Tax terms

US Tax terms

A W2 hire by a company is a direct permanent hire and W2 refers to the IT form that is filled out by the company and handed over to the employee when its time to file the taxes for the year.

A 1099 is also a an IT form like the W2 that is used by direct contractors - ie not by those who are going thru' consulting companies. The 1099 is given to the direct contractor by the company that uses his or her services.

C2C is basically the sub-contractor format of hire where a comp routes the hire thru' a consulting company and a retainer or a certain amount of money, often called the "contracted amt" , is given by the company to the consulting company. The consulting company would be paying its employee who works for the company, an amount after deducting taxes,its rate of profit for the contract and any other legal charges. Essentially, the employee is an employee of the consulting comp and he or she will get a W2 from the consulting company.

US Recuitment


In this post, I would like to discuss about US Recruitment.

You might have questions like..

What is US Recuitment?

What is the future of US Recruitment?

How to get a job in US Recruitment?

Many more!!!

What is US Recruitment?

I am not the one who knows everything about US Recruitment. What I know, I am going to share my experience with you all.

What I understand is that, in America most of the jobs are cotract based,